David K. Anderson
Licensed Massage Therapist, MT-00356. David has been in practice since 1994.
Specializes in: Integrated Massage Therapy including Myofascial Release and Senior Massage.
Education: 1000 hour certification in massage therapy from the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts, Tucson, AZ in 1994. In his career as a professional bodyworker, David has taken over 600 hours of continuing education classes in hands-on massage techniques, ethics and communication skills.
Motivation to Become a Bodyworker: I had been a farmer, diesel mechanic and parts salesman for almost 20 years. I was growing tired of the high-pressure, work-intensive lifestyle I was living and started looking for something more meaningful. When I started receiving massage therapy, I realized that this could be a way for me to really help make a difference for other people as well as myself.
Personal Bodywork/Energy Therapy Statement: I think my job as a bodyworker is to help those who are in need. They can be someone with a busy, 9 to 5 job, a person recovering from an accident, a pregnant client, a retiree, or an athlete with sore muscles. Their session treatment with me can be for anything from a time of relaxation to deep tissue rehabilitation.