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Dennie (Denise) Allin


Licensed Massage Therapist, MT-07833. Dennie has been in practice since 1992.


Specializes in: Integrated massage therapy including trigger point work.


Education: 1000 hour certification in massage therapy from the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, AZ in 1992. BS in Rehabilitation/Psychology from the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. In her career as a professional bodyworker, Dennie has taken many continuing education classes including those in reflexology, lymphatic massage and Jin Shin Jyutsu (energy work).


Motivation to Become a Bodyworker: Prior to my massage therapy profession I had worked in many medical settings (dental and hospital), as well as Hughes Aircraft Company. The work there wasn’t what I was looking for. Since becoming a bodyworker, I’ve taken the opportunity to work with people in such a unique and special way, and have been able to combine massage with management in several spa settings.


Personal Bodywork/Energy Therapy Statement: After all my years of massaging, I’m still in awe of the human body and all it can achieve on its own. I love being able to, with the help of my clients, increase the mind, body and spirit potential.

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