Fred Sandlin
Licensed Massage Therapist, MT-16999. Fred has been in practice since 2011.
Specializes in: Neuromuscular Therapy including Orthopedic assessments, Deep Tissue Techniques, Trigger Point therapy, Medical Massage, Myofascial Release, Deep Specific tissue, and stretching. Focuses on pain relief and injury management.
Education: Certification in massage therapy Cortiva Institute in Tucson, AZ in 2011. Certified in Kinesio taping and orthopedic massage in 2012. Certified in Neuromuscular Therapy in 2013.
Motivation to Become a Body Worker: I suffered low back and neck injuries. I was told these would require surgery to repair, but I was lucky enough to find a massage therapist who relieved my pain to the point that I am able to function normally without pain. I was inspired to help others.
Personal Bodywork/Energy Therapy Statement: My focus is on working with the body's natural ability to heal itself. Achieving muscular balance and pain relief in those I have the pleasure of working with. Massage energizes and inspires me.