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Sandra K. Anderson


Licensed Massage Therapist, MT-00298. Certified Shiatsu Practitioner. Certified Thai

Massage Practitioner. Sandra has been in practice since 1991. Bodywork Educator. Author of six massage therapy and bodywork textbooks.


Specializes in: Integrated Massage Therapy including deep tissue and trigger point work, Myofascial Release, Sports Massage, Pre-Natal Massage, Senior Massage. Asian bodywork including Thai Massage, Sports Thai Massage, Pre-Natal Thai Massage, Ten Zo, Zen Shiatsu, Sports Shiatsu, and Pre-Natal Shiatsu.


Education: 1000 hour certification in massage therapy from the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts, Tucson, AZ in 1991. 650 hour certification in zen shiatsu from the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, AZ in 1999. 100 hour certification in Thai massage from the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, AZ in 2002. BA in biology, with a minor in writing, from Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY in 1983. In her career as a professional bodyworker, Sandra has taken over 500 hours of continuing education classes in hands-on massage and shiatsu techniques, ethics and communication skills.


Motivation to Become a Bodyworker: After having a series of jobs in which I became increasingly unhappy, I realized the missing element was a lack of interaction with people. Upon discovering the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts in Tucson, AZ, I knew immediately that a career in massage therapy and Asian bodywork was for me. While the science behind bodywork is appealing, it is the wellness and healthcare aspect that means the most.


Personal Bodywork/Energy Therapy Statement: Human to human contact in a mindful, caring manner is one of the most important aspects of wellness. I believe that bodywork provides a connection vital to the well-being of each person, and it is a privilege to do this work with clients.

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